Weekly Update Sept. 15th

Good evening band families!

This email is going to be a bit long, but please read to the bottom, there is a lot of info to go over.

This week’s schedule:

Monday: Marching rehearsal 5:30-9pm

Wednesday: Wind Ensemble rehearsal 3:30-5:30pm

Thursday: Percussion 5:30-7:30pm; Guard: 6-9pm ALSO The All Heros game at 6pm

Saturday: Broomfield days parade, Monarch festival-stay tuned for schedule from Mr. Dailey

Let’s talk Saturday:

Students will first march in the Broomfield Days Parade in the morning. We will provide them with a snack, then they will go into rehearsal. Around 2pm, we will feed them lunch. We will provide pizza, but are need help with sides and paper products, please use our meal train to sign up to help:

9/21 Meal Train

Buses will leave around 3pm to go to the competition. The band performs at 6:30pm. The band will stay for awards and head home. There will be a concession stand if your student needs a snack, they can purchase food there. If your student has dietary restrictions, please ensure that you send them with a lunch/snacks.

Here is the ticket information:

Adults- $15
Students and Seniors- $10

Purchase tickets here:

Here is a link to the Monarch Festival’s website for more information, including information on parking:

Monarch Band Festival

We are in need of water. If you are able, please bring a case of water either to Monday night’s rehearsal, or on Saturday, thank you in advance!

Mr. Dailey would like to encourage parents to come into the football field and watch the end of Monday night rehearsals. The band usually does a run-through at the end of rehearsal, we would love for you to come watch!

Next Saturday after the parade and during the rehearsal, we will have this year’s show, Jackpot, party favors available for purchase. For $10 you will receive a green poker visor, card shaped sunglasses and a strand of Las Vegas themed beads to wear to competitions. It is a fun way to show you are supporting Horizon at the competitions!

Let’s talk Showcase:

On Saturday October 12, the band will host their annual Showcase fundraiser. This fundraiser has 2 parts:

First, we will have the In N Out food truck come to Horizon for the “tailgate” portion of the night. Starting at 4pm they will serve a meal that includes a hamburger, potato chips and a drink. You MUST purchase a ticket for a meal (if your student wants a meal, they also need to purchase a ticket). Each ticket costs $5 ($5.25 if using Venmo or Paypal). For each ticket that your student sells, $3.75 will go into their student account. We are asking that you use the google form below to pre-purchase tickets, then starting on Monday September 23rd during the evening rehearsal, you can pay for and pick up your tickets. You must hold onto your tickets until the event, we cannot replace lost tickets.

 In-N-Out Ticket Pre-Sale

The second part is the band performance. Once everyone has been fed, the band will perform their field show at 6:30pm. There is a $5 entrance fee to watch the band perform. This money will go into our general fund, money will be taken the day of at the gate.

Lastly, if you would like to sign up to help with Chaperoning or Pit Crew, please sign up here:


Pit Crew

We know this is a lot of information, and many of you are new to marching band and competition season. If you have questions, please reach out, we will try and get back to you as quickly as we are able to!