Weekly Update October 13th

Good evening band families!

We are nearing the end of marching season, we have the regional competition, 1 football game, and state left. We do have a few more spots that we need to fill for chaperones and pit crew, if you are able to help, please sign up here:
Pit Crew Sign Up
Chaperone Sign UP

If you are new to marching band here is a quick rundown on how the state competitions work. This week the regional competitions are held around the state. The last regional in which 5A bands will perform occurs on Thursday, so by Friday morning, we will know the standings for the state competition. IF Horizon places in the top 6 for 5A bands, they will SKIP quarter finals which take place on the morning of Friday October 25th and go directly to semi finals which is held on the morning of Saturday October 26th. Finals are held in the evening of Saturday October 26th. Quarter finals, semi finals and finals are all held at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs. If you would like to follow the scores this week, and see the placement for quarter finals, check the CBA marching website: https://www.coloradomarching.org/

We want to thank all the families who donated for the Hawk the Lawn, we were able to raise all the money needed for the signs. Our lovely Vice President, Danielle, is coordinating the Hawk the Lawn, and would like to organize a proper send off for our students, here is a message from her:

As we gear up for state, we would like to go ahead and put a small ask on your calendar. Last year on the morning of state (Saturday only-Oct. 26), parents/families surprised the kids by making a tunnel for them to walk through as they headed to the buses. We would like to do that again this year, as well! We aren’t sure of the time quite yet, but even it’s 4 a.m., our kiddos deserve it! Please stay tuned for a time in our state communication email. Go Hawks!

This week’s schedule:
Monday: 9-1pm rehearsal
1-4pm load trailer and break for dinner
4pm call time
8pm performance time
10pm ish arrive at HHS

Friday: 9-1pm rehearsal
5-10 ish football game

Thank you all for coming out to the In N Out Showcase fundraiser! It was a wonderful afternoon and the band’s performance was awesome!

I hope you all have a great week, if you have any questions, please feel free to email us.