Weekly Update August 25th

Good evening band families,

Tomorrow the students will have rehearsal from 5:30-9pm. The photographer who is creating the senior banners will be there to take senior photos. The banners are $75, you will be billed by the photographer. If you would like to have a banner of your senior made, and you have not emailed us yet, please send us a quick email with your student’s name so we have an accurate list for the photographer tomorrow evening.

The first football game is Thursday September 5th and the Arvada Harvest parade is Saturday September 7th. We will be sending out Sign Up Genius invites to those who expressed interest in the Hawk Haulers and Chaperones. If you did not place your name on the interest list at the Show N’ Tell, please email me and I will add you to the list. Those individuals will receive the Sign Up’s first, if we need additional help, we will send it out to the rest of the parents.

We still need water and snacks for football games, competitions, and parades. If you are able to help fill our snack/water closet, please bring individually wrapped, shelf stable, snacks or bottled water to the evening rehearsal (your student can take them in when they get there and put them in Mr. Dailey’s office).

Lastly, thank you all who have shared our Snap Raise fundraiser. We have currently raised $13,627! This is a great start! Our goal is $20,000, so if you can, please continue to share this on social media and with family and friends, because it takes a village to run a successful marching program!
