
Update from BAND: Thu June 6, 2024 6:16pm


The Apparel Fundraiser is extended one week! We had some technical issues so we thought it would be best to give it a little more time as the site is now fixed. It will be over June 12th.

Car Wash Fundraiser Details!

On June 29th from 10 am-2 pm we will be doing our annual car wash fundraiser! We initially planned to get tickets passed out at rehearsal but ran out of time, we I will be giving each student 10 tickets and a suggested script on the 11th. I’m also attaching the PDF of the tickets if you want to get a jump on it and print them out yourselves.

These are “donation tickets” which will go directly to your students account. For making a donation, they will get a complimentary car was on the 29th at North Metro Church! Just tell them to bring their ticket and hand it to a parent so we know they already donated.

Students, to sign up for the car wash to help, follow this google form link:

Beyond that, thanks for all of you who came and helped clean out the band room last Saturday, it was a huge help!

We had a GREAT start to our Summer Rehearsals and I couldn’t be more excited for what’s to come this season. We will see everyone on June 11th at 9 am!


– Mr. Dailey