Hey everyone, a few quick reminders, please read all the way through:
-Concert Reflection & Missed Performance Make-Up: If you haven’t submitted your concert reflection or make-up assignment yet, you must do so by 10 AM to receive credit and avoid getting a zero. There were a few people that ran into submitting issues during class, check infinite campus to see your grade and if that may have been you.
Remember the videos from the concert are all in the Concert Recordings folder, feel free to share with family and friends that want to listen!
-Honor Band & Symphonic Band Music: All music for these groups is posted in Schoology. If you're missing a piece, please check there to find what you need.
Music for Next Semester: All music for next semester that’s been distributed so far is also on Schoology. We’ll be adding a few more pieces soon!
-Instrument Prep for Break: Take the time to set up your instrument properly so you can stay on track with your practice over the break. It’s important to reset, enjoy time with family and friends, but also leave some time to continue working on music and improving your skills!
-Apparel Fundraiser: Don’t forget to check out the apparel fundraiser and support the band by visiting the shop!
I’m so proud of everything you’ve accomplished this semester! Thank you for all your hard work and dedication to Horizon Band. I’m really looking forward to making more music together in the new year. Enjoy your holidays and well-deserved break!
#marching_hawks #ConcertBands
– Mr. Dailey