Category: HHSBPA Update


Restaurant Night August 7th

Hey Band Families!

Head out to Freddy’s on Wednesday August 7th anytime between 4-8pm, mention you are with the band, and we will receive 15% of sales.

Tell your family and friends!


Quick Update July 30th

Good evening band families!

Just a quick reminder about a couple of things.

King Soopers rewards screen shot is due by Thursday, just send it to this email and we will apply it to your student’s account.

Show N’ Tell is Friday at 6pm. We will have a quick band parent meeting, the students will show us what they have been working on, and we will serve a hot dog dinner. If you want to purchase a dinner, please sign up here:


If you would like to pay via Venmo, you can do that in advance, just make a note that it is for the Hot Dog dinner.

Lastly, we need to fill our snack closet with water and snacks. We provide water and snacks to the students at performances and need to replenish our supply. We are looking for bottles of water and individually wrapped snacks like fruit snacks, granola bars, individual size popcorn, etc. If you would like to donate, you may bring them Friday or to any of the after school rehearsals.



Band Camp is here, and it is going to be HOT!

Please send your student with water, sunscreen, a hat, sunglasses, closed toe shoes, and all the things needed for their instrument/ guard equipment. The temperatures will be near 100°F all week, so I would recommend some Gatorade or an electrolyte replacement drink as well.

Band camp will be from Monday – Friday from 8-5. Friday we have our Show N’ Tell at 6pm where the students will show us what they were up to all week. The Band Parent Association will be selling a hot dog dinner for $5, we will feed the band students for free, but if you and your family would like a quick easy dinner, sign up on this Google form by Wednesday for your hot dog dinner.


We have a couple more spots for our fruit and popsicle breaks AND with uniform fitting. If you can help, please sign up here:

Fruit/Popsicle Break


We will also be working on props this week, we have a message from our pit master, Paul:

“Paul Jaminet is looking for all comers to get into prop building afternoons during band camp, 1-4pm each day.  Any and all skills and experiences are helpful!  Paul can be reached at 303-324-4868 if you have questions!”

Thanks!  Paul”

Lastly, we have been invited by Fun Services to volunteer for the Pipefitters of Denver’s annual company picnic. They have 10 volunteer slots available, you must be 15 years old and will make minimum wage that will be placed into your student’s account. The event is Saturday August 24th from 10:30-2:30pm. You can sign up here: Pipefitters Event

As always, the website has a ton of information, including how to make payments. If you still have questions, please email us and we will get back with you as soon possible. We look forward to seeing you all on Friday!


Weekly Update July 24th

Good afternoon band families! This is going to be a long message, but please read to the end, there is a lot of information!

Next week is band camp! This is the official kick-off to the 2024 Marching Hawks season! This week is EXTREMELY important, the students will be starting to learn their field show. This means that they will be practicing and memorizing their music and learning the drill (the picture part) of the show. They will unfortunately be behind if they miss next week, so please make sure they are their and ready to learn everyday (if they cannot attend, please notify Mr. Dailey and Mr. Duran). Camp will be Monday July 29th – Friday August 2nd from 8am-5pm each day, with an hour lunch break daily. It is supposed to be HOT! Send your student with a large water bottle, they will have a refill station available to refill water. Your student will also need tennis shoes, hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, their instrument and music/color guard equipment and a lunch. We would like to provide a morning fruit snack break and an afternoon popsicle break. We are still in need of parents to provide the fruit and popsicles, if you are able to help with the snack breaks, please sign up here: Snack Breaks

The student leadership has come up with daily spirit themes to add some fun:

  • Monday, July 29th – America Day
  • Tuesday, July 30th – 80’s Day
  • Wednesday, July 31st – Costume Day
  • Thursday, Aug 1st – Beach Day
  • Friday, Aug 2nd – Section Spirit Day

Friday August 2nd we will have a Show N’ Tell at 6pm. Here, the students will show us parents what they worked on through the week, we will have a brief parent meeting and the HHSBPA will host a hot dog dinner. For $5 cash or $5.25 Venmo, you will get a hot dog, bag of chips, a cookie, and a bottle of water. We will feed the students and staff for free. If you would like to purchase a hot dog dinner for yourself and your family, please fill out this form by Wednesday July 31st: RSVP

During band camp, we will be fitting the students into their uniforms, we still need parents to help out with this, if you are available please sign up here: Uniform Fitting

The next payment will be due on Friday August 2nd. To make a payment, click here to Pay Fees, click on the access the secure fee area and enter the password (which should be in your email), and follow the directions listed. Please remember, if your student is new or a freshman, they will not have an account number listed yet, but you can still make a payment, just put your students first and last name in the notes section. Their number will be added once Mr. Dailey receives his class list. If your student is a returning member, you can check their balance using their school student ID number. We accept cash, check (made out to HHSBPA) you can give them to Mr. Dailey in an envelope with the student’s first and last name, PayPal, Venmo, or Zelle (see the Pay Fees page for details).

Please let us know if you have any questions. We are excited to start the season and look forward to supporting the Marching Hawks!


Next HHSBPA Meeting

Just a quick reminder that we have our next board meeting on Tuesday July 30th at 6pm.


Weekly Update June 15th

Good evening Band Families! We hope everyone is enjoying their summer!

Check the calendar!

We have a couple weeks left before band camp begins! Band camp is Monday July 29th – Friday August 2nd from 8 – 5 each day (more details will be sent out soon). We would like to provide a morning fruit break and an afternoon popsicle break for the students. If you are able to provide fruit, popsicles, or are able to help set up, serve the students, and clean up, please use this link to sign up: Band Camp Snacks

We are also going to be fitting the students in their uniforms and will need parents’ help to get all the kids fit. You do not need any sewing experience, our uniform chair, Anna, will show you everything you need to do. If you are able to help out with uniforms, please sign up here: Uniform Sign Up

Friday August 2nd from 6 – 7:30 pm, we will be having a band parent meeting, and the student’s Show N’ Tell, where you will get to see what your student learned at band camp. You will be able to purchase a hot dog dinner (more details to follow). Please plan on attending both the meeting and the Show N’ Tell.

Lastly, the King Soopers community rewards are in for the quarter. If you are signed up for the King Soopers community rewards, please go to your profile and take a snapshot of this quarter’s earnings and email it to our email ([email protected]) by August 1st.

If you have any questions, feel free to email us. We hope you enjoy the rest of summer!

Event Update

Car Wash Fundraiser June 29, 10a-2p

Good morning band families!

We just wanted to remind everyone that we will be holding the annual Car Wash Fundraiser tomorrow June 29th from 10am to 2pm at North Metro Church. Please advertise amongst your families and friends to come get their car washed, donations are very much welcome.

Let’s make this the most successful car wash yet!

Please contact us if you have any questions.


Weekly Update June 16th

Good morning band families, and Happy Father’s Day to all our band dads!

Remember to check the calendar!

This week the students have their mini camp. This is a big week for the students to learn marching technique and begin to work on the show, so please don’t miss it! It looks like the weather will be slightly cooler, but please still plan on your student being out in the sun. They need water, sunscreen, a hat, sunglasses, closed toe shoes, their instrument, music and a lunch. The band parents will provide a morning fruit break and an afternoon Popsicle break. Thank you to all those who signed up to help with that, there are just a couple slots left, if you are able to help, sign up here: Fruit/Popsicle sign up.

We will be having our annual car wash on Saturday June 29 at North Metro Church. Your student should have signed up for a time slot to work and have been given tickets to sell. Your student can sell the tickets for $10 a piece, these funds will be put into your students account and can be used for their first band payment. We will need parents to help out with the car wash, if you are able (we especially need some power washers to borrow) please sign up here: Car Wash sign up

The first payment is due on June 20th. To make a payment, go to the payment section and enter the password sent via email. If your student is a returning member, you will be able to check their account by using their school student ID. If they are new, their account will not show yet, however, you can still make a payment, just make sure that you include their first and last name in the notes section. We are charged a credit card fee when using Venmo or PayPal, so please add 2% or $2 to your $100 payment to help cover that fee and meet your student’s fee commitment.

Please make sure that you and your student have filled out the commitment letter sent via email and return it into Mr. Dailey. This will ensure that your student will have a part written in the show.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at [email protected].


Parent Meeting May 20th @ 6:30

Good evening band families!

Check the calendar!

We are getting ready to kick off the marching season! Students will meet today at 5pm to read through next season’s show. Following that at 6:30pm, we will have our band parent meeting. We will be talking about next season including fees and upcoming summer fundraisers.

Parents of seniors who just graduated, we will be deleting your email addresses June 1, if you have another student in band, please let us know before then so we can retain your email for future communications!

Please let us know if you have any questions. See you all tonight!