Weekly Update Jan. 26th

Good evening band families! We have a quick update for this week:

If you are participating in the King Soopers community rewards, it is time to take a screenshot of your rewards and email it to our HHSBPA email. Please have them in by February 1st.

If you are able to donate breakfast food items for the Wind Ensemble’s CMEA trip, please drop them off to Mr. Dailey either 1/27, 1/28 or 1/29.

We are still looking for sponsors/donations for our Ireland trip shirts and hats, if you know of anyone who would be willing to donate or sponsor the band, please let me know.

If you participated in the Little Caesar’s fundraiser, we will put out an email about the pick up date and time as soon as we receive the information.

Have a great week!

BAND.us Update

Update from BAND: Mon January 20, 2025 5:06pm

Hey everyone—we are 8 items short of our order minimum for our recent Little Caesars fundraiser. I am putting out an all-call, to see if I can get at least 8 more orders placed tonight or first thing tomorrow morning. For those who didn’t get order forms, I have attached pictures here. Please send me an email at [email protected] to place an order, and you can send your payment in with your student tomorrow or Wednesday.

Your student will get credit for the items sold, OR you can give the credit to another student (great for senior parents!).

Thank you!!

– Melissa


Weekly Update January 19th

Good evening band families, I hope everyone is staying warm this weekend!

Just a couple quick things for this week:

If you are participating in the King Soopers community rewards, it is time to take a screenshot of your rewards and email it to this email address. Please have them in by February 1st.

The wind ensemble has a rehearsal tomorrow from 9-12pm.

We are still in need of a chaperone chair, a food chair, and a concessions chair for next year’s marching season. Please let us know if you are interested in helping out with any of those positions.

If you are able to donate breakfast food items for the Wind Ensemble’s CMEA trip, please drop them off to Mr. Dailey either 1/27, 1/28 or 1/29.

Thank you for your help with this!

BAND.us Update

Update from BAND: Sun January 19, 2025 3:37pm

Reminder! Wind Ensemble rehearsal tomorrow from 9 am-12 pm. We will be in sectionals the first half with coaches!

If you haven’t yet, take a listen to our recordings on schoology before tomorrow so you have a few spots you want the coaches to focus on, and to raise our musical awareness!

Theater doors will be unlocked around 8:30 am. See you tomorrow!

– Mr. Dailey

BAND.us Update

Update from BAND: Thu January 16, 2025 6:13pm

Don’t forget that Little Caesars order forms are due tomorrow!! Please make sure that all order forms are turned in (along with money for those orders) by the end of school tomorrow, Friday 1/17. Turn orders in to the black lock box in the band room!

Online orders can continue until Monday, 1/20.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

– Melissa

BAND.us Update

Update from BAND: Thu January 16, 2025 6:13pm

Don’t forget that Little Caesars order forms are due tomorrow!! Please make sure that all order forms are turned in (along with money for those orders) by the end of school tomorrow, Friday 1/17. Turn orders in to the black lock box in the band room!

Online orders can continue until Monday, 1/20.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

– Melissa

BAND.us Update

Update from BAND: Wed January 15, 2025 12:22pm

Today’s the day to grab a bite to eat at Panda Express! Go anytime today (until 9 pm tonight) to the location at 550 E. 144th Ave and show the flyer linked below, and we will earn 20% back.

You can also order online (via their app or pandaexpress.com), and enter 3831847 as the fundraiser code.


– Melissa


Weekly Update January 12th

The first basketball pep band game is this Friday. Please check in with your student on which games they will be attending. The students were asked to complete a form to chose which games they would play at. Playing at the basketball games are a part of the lettering requirement, as are attending other concerts that they are not playing in, so if your student is wanting to letter in band, they will need to attend these events!

Our January Restaurant Night is this Wednesday at Panda Express at the Orchard from 10am-9pm. Mention you are will the band and we will get a cut of the proceeds. Here’s a link to all the information and the flyer: Panda Express night

This Saturday, our Winter Color Guard will be hosting a Friends and Family Show. The doors open at 5pm. Tickets are $10, kids 12 and under are free. This is a fantastic opportunity to come watch and support our winter guard. There will be other high school color guards performing too, with Anesidora closing the show.

The Little Caesars fundraiser continues through this week, ALL ORDERS MUST BE TURNED IN BY FRIDAY 01/17. Delivery and pick up of the pizza kits will occur the week of February 3, we will let you know the exact date when Little Caesars gives that to us.

We are beginning to look for corporate sponsors for our bands. We would love to have multiple sponsors to help fund our bands. If your company would like to sponsor the band, or you would be willing to help get our sponsor letter out to companies, please let us know. We currently are in need of a sponsor for some last minute needs for our trip to Ireland, we will be happy to put companies logo on our trip shirt for donations. Please let us know ASAP if you know of a company who would like to help us out.

Lastly, if you student will be continuing with the Horizon band program, I am going to ask you to consider joining our board. We have a couple positions opening up this year and a few that we are adding:

  • Chaperone Chair: Helps organize chaperones for all outings such as football games, competitions and festivals. Making sure chaperone bags are stocked.
  • Food Chair: Helps organize food for marching competitions and concert festivals as needed
  • Concessions Chair: Will organize food and will help staff concessions sold at concerts
  • Social Media Person: Will take pictures and maintain social media pages

Members of our board meet (generally) the first Tuesday of every month at 6pm. We do a fantastic job of collaborating and helping each other, so please do not feel you will be on your own to figure things out. It takes a village to support a band program, so we need people to come fill the spots of those parents whose students are graduating. If you are interested in a position, or have questions, please fell free to reach out.

Have a great week!